The Nordlys™ system's broad vascular treatment applicator options, unique SWT® narrowband light, and customizable pulses make it ideal for addressing vascular issues.
Also treating pigmentation, skin resurfacing, and hair removal, this versatile platform offers 22 in-demand indications across 4 timeless technologies (SWT IPL, Frax 1550™, Frax 1940™ and Nd:YAG 1064 nm).1,2
Download our latest article on Nordlys system vascularity capabilities to see how you can extend your treatment options with the one foundational platform every practice should consider. Why leave it to a chance encounter? Meet “the one” right here.
1. Frax 1940 for Frax Pro and Nordlys Systems (K212492), December 2021. 2. Nordlys User Manual, 2021.
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