The Gentle Pro™ Series
The gold standard in laser hair removal.
755 nm and 1064 nm lasers for the treatment of hair removal, vascular and benign pigmented lesions.

Stay Informed | The Gentle Pro Series

"Candela has taken the best hair removal laser and made it better. It's faster, it gives you more options with longer pulse duration, the interface is easier to use and the sliders make it easier to change the spot size. It's just improving an already great product."
- Stephen W. Eubanks, MD, Dermatologist, Colorado, USA

Enhance your practice with the leading hair removal brand chosen by dermatologists. Our Gentle Pro Series lasers have been the industry standard for two decades. Our 755 nm and 1064 nm wavelength laser technology lets you treat hair removal, vascular and pigmented lesions7 and all Fitzpatrick Skin Types with consistent results and dependable epidermal protection for comfort using our distinctive Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD™).

Treat more patients across more indications using the Gentle Pro Series’ combined dual wavelength power and treatment capabilities for optimal return on your investment.

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